
傲形于外┃深圳中心۰天元One Palace 393㎡大平层公寓出界入格【看见设计425】

Avril 全球奢侈地产 2022-01-08

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To reach the world, arrive at the center first. 


说到特工类电影,《007》系列在观众心中绝对占据有不可替代的位置。詹姆斯·邦德健硕的身材、绅士的衣品,举手投足间都在释放魅力。If we talk about the special agent movies, the "007" series absolutely occupies an irreplaceable position in the hearts of the audience. James Bond's sturdy figure, gentleman's clothing, and gesture are  all charming.

尤其是他在夜色中驾驶着跑车风驰电掣的样子,简直是每个女孩儿心中的完美梦中情人。Especially when he was driving a sports car in the dark, he is the perfect dream lover for each girls.

在影片中,为了让邦德出色地完成任务,Q博士专门为他配备了一系列座驾,阿斯顿·马丁就成了他重要的“左膀右臂”。In the film, in order for Bond to accomplish mission, Dr. Q specially equipped him with a series of vehicles, and Aston Martin became his important assistant.

作为大众津津乐道的汽车荧幕形象,阿斯顿·马丁在12部《007》系列中都有精彩“演绎”,无论过去、现在还是未来,都肩负着一份沉甸甸的品牌荣耀,所以它对美这方面的极致追求也从来没停过。As a popular car screen image, Aston Martin has a wonderful "deduction" in the 12 "007" series. Whether in the past, present or future, it shoulders a heavy brand glory, so it The ultimate pursuit of beauty has never stopped.

当然,美的定义随着时代在变,常常需要突破界限,汲取新灵感。Of course, the definition of beauty is changing with the times, and it is often necessary to break boundaries and draw new inspirations.

如,阿斯顿·马丁与荷兰著名的游艇公司Quintessence Yachts 合作,打造了一款注入英伦风的豪华游艇AM37,采用阿斯顿·马丁的定制服务,并为其内饰选择了波罗的海蓝和奶油巧克力色为主题色,铬合金色点缀了优雅的蓝色船体。For example, Aston Martin cooperated with Quintessence Yachts, a well-known Dutch yacht company, to create a British-style luxury yacht AM37, using Aston Martin's customized services, and choosing Baltic blue and cream for its interior Chocolate color is the theme color, and chrome alloy color embellishes the elegant blue hull.

Mulder和阿斯顿•马丁合作设计,确保AM37不仅仅是一艘性能卓越的游艇,更是一件充满美感的作品。Designed by Mulder and Aston Martin to ensure that AM37 is not only a yacht with excellent performance, but also a work full of beauty.

AM37拥有“简约的设计、纯粹的感官和对材质的化繁为简”,让她“如空气般清新灵动”。——阿斯顿•马丁设计总监Marek Reichman

AM37 has "simple design, pure sense and simplified materials", which makes her "as fresh and agile as the air". ——Marek Reichman, Aston Martin Design Director

2019年,阿斯顿·马丁首款SUV DBX以「出界·入格」的产品定位,秉承其“惟·美”设计主张,为世界超跑爱好者呈上精修于内,傲形于外的专属座驾。In 2019, Aston Martin's first SUV DBX is positioned as "out of bounds and in style", adhering to its "unique and beautiful" design proposition, presenting the world's supercar enthusiasts with refinement inside and proud outside. Exclusive car.

「出界·入格」的定位彰显出DBX与众不同的亮眼气韵,令人回味悠然。若将这一理念演绎到居住领域又将会碰撞出怎样的艺术火花呢?The positioning of "Out-of-bounds·In-Grade" demonstrates the distinctive dazzling charm of DBX, which is memorable. So, what kind of artistic sparks will the interpretation of this concept be in the residential field?

 出界 · 入格 



住宅设计的破局需要前沿的洞察力与审美感。The breaking of residential design requires cutting-edge insight and aesthetics.

深圳中心۰天元One PalaceT7约393㎡塔尖环幕公寓新样板于越繁华越精彩的全球都会中心,演绎「出界 X 入格 」的超现实主义空间,别具风格。One Palace Tianyuan T7, a new model "Eternal Driver of the Times" of approximately 393 square meters of tower spire and ring curtain apartment, is coming, and in the more prosperous and more exciting global metropolis center, it interprets the surrealistic space of "out of bounds X into the grid".

新样板房以科技美感与奢享艺术诠释时代驱动者的永恒魅力,亦彰显深圳中心对当代都市文化与时代精神的细致观察。The new model interprets the eternal charm of the drivers of the era with the beauty of science and technology and luxury art, and also demonstrates the careful observation of contemporary urban culture and the spirit of the times by Shenzhen Center.

有趣的设计:将奢华感官体验与艺术居住体验相结合,以全新维度重新定义人居领域的「出界·入格」,蕴含深圳特有的时代探索精神。"Eternal Driver of the Times" adheres to the concept of combining luxurious sensory experience with artistic living experience, and redefines "out of bounds and in style" with a new dimension. Get ready to wait, aim for the world, and enjoy the spirit of exploration of the times contained in the Shenzhen Center.

全球发布,约393㎡4房3厅5卫「奢享·无界 」新样板。The first time to release this new appartment, with 393㎡, 4 bedrooms, 3 living rooms and 5 bathrooms.


三厅布局 提升空间延展性


IMAX环幕端厅设计,开间约达13 米的客厅为室内引入充足自然光,以明媚光束,焕新“越繁华越精彩”的中心视野。The Living room with about 13 meters introduces sufficient natural light into the interior, and the bright light beam refreshes the ultimate central view.

开放式三厅布局,实现近 100㎡ 开阔公区,全方位提升空间的延展性。偏厅既是设计前沿的艺术会客厅,也是超级玩家的跑车收藏室。The three-hall layout realizes an open public area of nearly 100 square meters and improves the ductility of the space in all directions. The Pian Hall is not only a cutting-edge art parlor, but also a sports car collection room for super players.

以高雅设计焕活空间艺术美感,多功能客厅不仅可满足塔尖社交需求,亦可与志趣相投的藏家共赏藏品,商务或写意随心切换,自由掌控塔尖生活节奏。Rejuvenate the artistic beauty of the space with elegant design. The multifunctional living room can not only meet the social needs of the spire, but also share collections with like-minded collectors. You can switch between business or freehand style and freely control the rhythm of life on the spire.


4房3厅5卫 2020中国唯一可售板楼X纯半亿级顶豪


灵感源于「真正的设计不被时代所驱动,而是做时代的驱动者」。然,唯有走在时代发展的前沿,方能擎引设计浪潮,让空间获得永续的生命力。Inspire by "the real design is not driven by the times, but the driver of the times". Of course, only by walking in the forefront of the development of the times can we start the design wave and let the space gain sustainable vitality.

定制的艺术空间,别具魅力。"The Eternal Driver of the Times" is full of demanding and dedication to "luxury and unbounded", presenting a customized art space with passion and love.




原木色硬装与超现实主义软装碰撞,无声爆发出时代轰鸣语汇,科技与艺术集结成超前的未来感。奢华中不失内敛,未来交汇现代,气场自生。Approximately 393 square meters of large flat-floor apartment with large french windows, the original wood color hard decoration collides with the surreal soft decoration, silently bursting out of the roar of the times, technology and art are integrated into a sense of the future. Introverted in luxury, the future meets modernity, and the aura is self-generated.

卧室空间皆享大开窗面,空间营造奢雅又不失舒适,舍弃张扬的色彩,以极致的现代风格为基底,通过定制的软装元素凸显质感,蕴含理性和超前的美学风格。The bedroom space all enjoys a huge window, the space is luxurious and comfortable, abandoning the publicity of the color, based on the ultimate modern style, through the customized soft decoration elements to highlight the texture, containing the rational and advanced aesthetic style.

以「时代驱动者」的姿态,跳出常规样板房的设计维度,以进口布料、真丝、天蚕丝、狐狸毛、进口墙纸等高端材质营造独有的奢居体验感。With the attitude of "driver of the times", it jumps out of the design dimension of conventional model houses, and uses imported fabrics, silk, silk, fox hair, imported wallpaper and other customized materials to create a unique luxury living experience.

主卧设计堪称极致,颇费匠心,自地面层吊起宽3.5m的一体式主人床,主卧奢雅感不彰自显。此外,除却男女主人公各自拥有独立的步入式衣帽间,于配套浴室的双人软体浴缸中还可畅享极致的中心视野。这样的双人软体浴缸深圳只有瑞吉酒店总统套房才奢用。把极好的部品与品质给业主,颇多细节呈现,很舍得。The master bedroom is designed to be the ultimate, and the developer is very ingenious. Lifting the 3.5m-wide integrated master bed from the ground floor makes the master bedroom feel luxurious and elegant. In addition to the independent walk-in cloakroom for the male and female protagonists, the two-person thermostatic soft bathtub in the attached bathroom can also enjoy the ultimate central view.


书房延续整体设计理念,以动感的流线型书桌与办公椅定下空间基调,结合模拟光的前沿艺术装饰画和Qlocktwo创意时钟,科技感与未来感并存。The study continues the overall design concept, with dynamic streamlined desks and office chairs set the tone of the space, combined with cutting-edge decorative paintings and Qlocktwo creative clocks, a sense of technology and a sense of future coexist.

高雅的灰调墙纸、地毯与窗帘相互呼应,又成就了素、雅、奢的高级商务空间,于此洞见更多智识。The elegant gray-toned wallpaper, carpets and curtains echo each other, creating a sophisticated, elegant, and luxurious business space, where we can gain more insights.


约26㎡“米其林宴会级”中西厨,配备奢贵厨电品牌GAGGENAU九件套产品,还有德国品牌HACKER橱柜及人性化配置,生活阳台配置有德国BOSCH洗衣机和干衣机……从空间到选品到流线,精心每个细节。The Michelin three-star banquet-level kitchen of about 26 square meters is equipped with the TOP brand in the world. The world's luxury kitchen appliance brand GAGGENAU nine-piece product, the German brand HACKER cabinets and user-friendly configuration, the living balcony is equipped with German BOSCH washing machines and dryers..so charming.

步入式餐厅将厨房和客厅优雅链接,游刃有余的格调享受。Walk in dining room will be the kitchen and living room elegant link, comfortable style enjoyment.


样板间内, Ciclotte 健身单车、Kartell Taj Mini 台灯、Top Silver Pendant 吊灯、手工浇铸的铂晶茶座、Dommus椅子等定制配饰共同融生艺术生活格调。In the model room, custom accessories such as Ciclotte exercise bikes, Kartell Taj Mini table lamps, Top Silver Pendant lamps, hand-cast platinum crystal tea seats, Dommus chairs, and other custom-made accessories combine to create an artistic lifestyle.

意大利设计师 Luca Schieppati 亲自设计的 Ciclotte 健身单车,选材优良,以独特而创新的方式组合,既是健身器材,也是一款颇具品位的艺术性家居装饰,所以成为了米兰艺术设计博物馆的永久展品之一。The Ciclotte exercise bike, designed by Italian designer Luca Schieppati, is made of excellent materials and combined in a unique and innovative way. It is not only a fitness equipment, but also a tasteful and artistic home decoration. It has become one of the permanent exhibits of the Milan Art and Design Museum.

Kartell Taj Mini 台灯不仅是灯,也是三维的雕塑,灯体内置节能灯源,透过灯罩流露温润灯光,如同艺术品一般,给家居生活添加一道亮丽的风景线。Kartell Taj Mini table lamp is not only a lamp, but also a three-dimensional sculpture. The lamp body has a built-in energy-saving lamp source, and the warm light is exuded through the lampshade, like a work of art, adding a beautiful landscape to the home life.

偏厅手工浇铸的铂晶茶桌,其底座的曲线设计极具雕塑感,与纯实木一体雕的Dommus椅子共同营造前沿会客厅。The hand-cast platinum crystal tea table in the Pian Hall has a sculptural design on the base, and it creates a cutting-edge living room together with the Dommus chair carved in pure solid wood.

卧室各具特色的定制级配饰,俨然一件件独具魅力的艺术作品,瞬时提升卧室奢雅格调。Each bedroom has its own unique custom-made accessories, just like a piece of unique and charming artwork, instantly enhancing the luxury and elegance of the bedroom.

若山是厚重的,海是汹涌的,林是慵懒的,湖是宁静的,那么中心是未来的。If the mountains are heavy, the sea is turbulent, the forest is lazy, and the lake is quiet, then the center is the future.

中心生活本就应奢享无界,深圳中心۰天元One Palace位于福田CBD中心区,以“傲形于外、精修于内”的设计主张,突破时代赋予美的定义,跨界汲取新灵感,为中心人物演绎超现实主义空间。Living in the center should be extravagant and unbounded. Shenzhen Center ۰ One Palace is located in the central area of Futian CBD. With the design proposition of "outstanding appearance and refined inwardness", it breaks through the definition of beauty endowed by the times, and draws new inspiration across borders. Interpret the surrealist space for the central character.

The beauty of home is the most extraordinary beauty in the world.
-George Bernard Shaw

所有愿意为舒适的家付出努力的行为,都值得被点赞。All behaviors that are willing to work hard for a comfortable home are worthy of praise.

深圳中心۰天元One PalaceT7效果图

深圳中心۰天元One PalaceT7天际泳池


开发商 | 金地大百汇
投资商 | 金地、卓越、大百汇
项目地址 | 深圳/福田中心区
标       的 | 深圳中心/天元ONE PALACET7
建筑设计 | KPF
室内设计 | Aedas
软装设计 | 安奥拉(An-Aura)
样板房面积 | 建面约393㎡
其他可售户型面积 | 建面约380㎡
现状 | 目前仅有珍藏席位在售,T3、T4新品即将推出
拍摄 | 彦铭
资料 | 解读
OnePalace天元是深圳中心综合体的公寓部分。深圳中心综合体位于福田CBD中心,由金地集团、卓越集团、大百汇集团三强合著,集KPF、SWA、Aedas、HBA 、LPA等全球智慧打造,十年磨一剑。深圳中心总建筑面积约140万㎡,集约21万㎡城市豪宅、约19万㎡甲级写字楼、约28.6万㎡商业中心、约800米中央大街、文天祥纪念馆、文天祥小学等一体化。寸土寸金的中心区竟然有140万㎡的顶品综合体,不曾不再。

奢享无界 延伸阅读



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美亨投資創辦於2008年,具備10多年豐富的本地經驗,是一家專註於豪界研究、整合奢界資源、城市文化演繹、全球資產配置的專業機構。我們為獨立私人投資者、業主以至主要發展商和投資者等高淨值客戶提供顧問服務,秉承團隊精神、創新理念以及對房地產的熱誠做每一件事,樂意為客戶多走幾步,超越他們的期望。美亨投資每個事業部是追求卓越而專註的專業縱深研究團隊。我們總結了2020年的深市特征:岁月不静但好年、湾区切实升华年、产业疯狂年、艺术地产战乱年、艺术家欲望高点年、港人入深年、阶层国际分化年、 外来房企机会年、 国际精英入深野心年、黑色公寓年、黑色商办年、 产业寓所提升年、小整购年、高客品味“觉醒年”


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